
Monday, May 15, 2017

Saturday Art Day : Vinyl on Vinyl

From the not so artsy Pat, it was nice to get an invite from him to visit vinyl on vinyl.  Here are some photos I took using thy Huawei P9 (yup I am obsessed with it).

Scattered vinyl art

Beaut paintings

The what we thought a place packed of vinyl turns out to be this box only in one corner.

Aray ko beh!

Beaut paintings part 2

Skateboard deck as per Patty

And then the hipster wanna be

My favorite dogster!!

Reflection of my soul x3 cherett

Vinyl on vinyl is located at 2135 Chino Roces Makati , open from Tues - Sat ( 12nn to 7pm)

Saturday Art Day : Vinyl on Vinyl

Monday, May 15, 2017

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